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Here's an update on my UFO's now FO's: - Finished my "yes we can" socks, yarn from Mama E's C*eye*ber fiber on etsy. Really nice colors! these were my first toe-up socks. Once I got used to knitting with the two circs, it went quite smoothly. I actually like starting the socks at the toe much better, as I can try them on for size while I'm knitting them. I like learning new techniques. I hate getting stuck in old ways, just doing them because that was the way I was taught. Like going from the inchworm method of spinning most people do--not even a short draw, as they let the twist go into the drafting triangle--to the long draw, and then various modified versions of that.
- The second pair of socks I used Trekking XXL
color 165. I LOVE the color scheme! I made the sock pattern up, combining the toe-up technique, ribbed instep, short row heel, then an OXO pattern from a sock book for the top. Adding the ribbing gave more arch support. The OXO pattern in the book wasn't technically accurate--it was missing one part and was more like an X morphing into an O. The O is supposed to be nestled into the arms of the X, so the
pattern needed a repeat. Top of the O, then bottom of X, then top of X, then bottom of O.