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Tuesday, January 12

Vtknitboy is still alive!

I hope the New Year finds you in good health, and bringing you lots of joy!

I wanted to do a quick blog update. I've been so busy: spinning, knitting, establishing wonderful connections with people: knitters, spinners, eco-friendly people, and many more diverse, talented people....on twitter. Yes. On twitter. It's a super way to meet like-minded people--or those of differing viewpoints; which can lead to learning & growth.

Some big news, for me at least...

I will be starting an angora rabbitry in February! Finally, vtknitboy will have a source for wonderful, soft, warm angora fiber! I will be starting with two French angora babies! I'm pretty excited. They will provide lots of lovely angora bunny fiber--and lots of pics for my blog.

I'm starting with two...or three. Hopefully the middle one in the pic on the right. And perhaps the fawn colored one below it, and maybe the black one above it! Aren't they the cutest things?!

I will use the fiber for spinning for sale as yarn or knit up as garments. This will be available on my etsy site

You can see some of the items at the left of this post.

So, in the meantime, have a great winter--I will be updating this more frequently!

I'm vtknitboy on twitter. Please follow me if you are on twitter. I will be updating spinning, knitting and other things on there.
